Madeleine Donohue
For Driftwood: William Shakespeare’s Christmas Carol, Shakespeare D&D (2022, 2024), 4 seasons of The Bard’s Bus Tour.
Recent Theatre Credits: Early August (Lighthouse Festival Theatre), Dial M For Murder (Watermark Theatre, PEI), Midnight Madness (Port Stanley Theatre Festival), and Deceitful Above All Things (Storefront Theatre).
Other: Madeleine’s thrilled to be back in Picton, with its impressive arts’ scene and its community of inspiring local artists. She loves reuniting with the loyal Driftwood audience members she’s gotten to know over the past two decades! She’s excited to discover new weird ways to use a red scarf.
Upcoming: Madeleine is a script writer on the CBC preschool series Go Togo! and the YTV series Piñata Smashlings (airing in 2025).