Alison Porter | Creator | The Onion Cellar
For Driftwood: Romeo & Juliet
Other Credits (selected): Miss Caledonia (Tarragon/Lunkamund Productions), Dirty Dishes (Country/Bluegrass Trio), Hank Wiliams – The Show He Never Gave (Lovesick Productions), Fire (Bluewater Playhouse).
About: I am a musician, theatre artist, songwriter and producer based in Toronto. Since graduating from Bishop’s University I have created live soundscapes for theatre, performed and recorded with many bands, and produced plays and full length albums. Music has always brought the emotional truth to the surface for me, and in my darkest moments it has always been the light, so I am excited to be exploring the idea of music as healing within the production of The Onion Cellar!
Upcoming: You can check out my band at Dirty Dishes at