Driftwood Theatre is dedicated to immersing ourselves in the act of telling epic and mythinc stories wherever and whenever we can, where all people feel safe and welcome
Driftwood’s holiday spectacular returns. Join us for a jubilant reading of William Shakespeare’s Christmas Carol, by Ian Doescher, at the Regent Theatre, December 7, 2024
The Gillespie House Playwrights Retreat is now accepting submissions from playwrights looking to escape to Prince Edward County for a week of exploring their next epic idea.
We’re thrilled to welcome new board members Peter Fernandes and Brandi Sundby!
Driftwood Metcalf Intern Artistic Director and dramaturg Caitie Graham reflects on our June Playwrights Retreat and the challenges of creating that tricky first draft.
Driftwood Theatre is dedicated to immersing ourselves in the act of telling epic and mythinc stories wherever and whenever we can, where all people feel safe and welcome
Paul Love, OnStage.