Donate to Driftwood Today
Driftwood Theatre’s work is supported by a lot of love. More than 200 individual and corporate donors believe, like we do, that professional theatre experiences should be accessible to all people.
Shakespeare’s Greatest Lovers (as we affectionately call you) not only feel the joy of supporting accessible, live, professional theatre across Ontario, but you also enjoy some pretty nice perks! For example, only Shakespeare’s Greatest Lovers have access to complimentary chair rentals for The Bard’s Bus Tour.
Make your donation securely online
Click the button below to make a secure online donation through our fundraising platform, Micharity:
Or make your gift by regular post:
Download our Shakespeare’s Greatest Lovers form and mail it with your gift to: Driftwood Theatre Group, 348 Main Street, Picton, ON, K0K 2T0
Donor Levels and Benefits
Romeo & Juliet ($1-$99) | Oberon & Titania ($100-$299) | Benedick & Beatrice ($300-$499) | Petruchio & Kate ($500-$999) | Antony & Cleopatra ($1000-$2499) | Silver Circle ($2500+) | |
TAX RECEIPT For maximum allowable amount | X | X | X | X | X | X |
GET THE DRIFT Twice-monthly e-newsletter | X | X | X | X | X | X |
RECOGNITION In event programmes and on Driftwood’s website | X | X | X | X | X | |
COMPLIMENTARY CHAIR RENTAL Leave your camping chairs at home when you book your Bard’s Bus Tour tickets | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
BARD’S BUS CONCIERGE VIP ammenities offered at Bard’s Bus Tour performances | X | X | X | X | ||
SHAKESPEARE D&D Two complimentary streaming tickets | X | X | X | |||
BEHIND THE SCENES Attend first day of rehearsal, plus lunch with the Director | X | X | ||||
A SPECIAL GIFT Receive a special, personalized gift as thanks for your support | X |
Deep Roots Circle: Leadership and Legacy Gifts
Driftwood Theatre Group is thrilled to acknowledge the incredible support of our Deep Roots Circle.
The Deep Roots Circle includes Leadership Donors who have made a lifetime cumulative gift of $5000 or more, and Legacy Donors who have supported for 10 or more years. For more information about becoming a member of the Deep Roots Circle, contact Jeremy Smith, Artistic Director: jsmith[at]driftwoodtheatre[dot]com.